Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New Beginnings

I like words. I particularly like the meaning to words. I like big words that few know, even less can spell, and nobody really cares about. Subsequently, I also like language. I enjoy the fact that a common word can have a definite interpretation as well as an indefinite definition. I marvel at the thought that all interpersonal communication is based off a lifetime accumulation of knowledge and history, by both the sender and the receiver. I do not enjoy small talk. I think proper grammer and sentence structure is overrated. I detest spelling. Welcome to the Paradox of James. Some of my posts may be wordy, others be slang. I have been known to wax poetic and in the next breath talk about waxing my bikini line. I don't take myself too serious, so please don't take my posts too serious... (end disclaimer)

The Unpredictable acting Predictable
I have a penchant for being unpredictable. It is as much an acquired lifestyle as it is a conscious decision. Life has dealt me a fair share of punches. I learned a long time ago how to roll with them. Somewhere along the line I developed a bad habit of intentionally blocking them with my face. Perhaps it was my peculiar way of proving my masculinity. Through these turbulent times, I have had a few stabilizing forces. The biggest being (in order of appearance); The Himmers, the church, my father, and now my wife. I will always be Sister Himmer's 'other son'. The one she won't give up on and treats and loves as one of her own. My father is the rock of my family. When things go wrong, no matter how many times he says he won't bail you out, he always does... Nicci... My wife keeps me humble. ;o) Church has always been a stabilizing force in that it has provided direction through its teachings and members. Although stability is not necessarily synonymous with predictability, there is definitely a correlation. Being at Byu-Idaho makes that connection more readily apparent. For example; when you get up to college, if you don't already have a facebook account, you create one. If you don't, you are at a significant dating disadvantage. Another thing that 'just is' in the LDS community, when you get married and are expecting your first child you start a blog... :o)

E.P.T (e.f.o.w.)
As you may have surmised from the title, picture, and previous statements, Becky is pregnant! If this is the first you have heard about this, oops and sorry... Our bad. I came home one day during work to the grand news that I was a father to be. I was floored... happily floored! We had been trying, so it shouldn't have been such a surprise. We should thank EPT for that. For those who may not know what an
EPT is, it is a pregnancy test. It stands for Error Proof Test.
Error proof my foot! What they did not take into account is my beautiful bride Becky. I have written them and asked them to rename it "Error Proof Test Except For Over-anxious Wives" She took it a week early...

Although the baby has yet to reveal its gender, I refer to it as a him. Not only is in more dignifying (who wants to be an it?) but it is also a futile attempt to persuade the powers that be to allow me a boy. I am hoping for a boy for several reasons; I am the oldest in my family growing up, and had two younger sisters. I was the protector. Also, I have a better chance statistically of coaching a little league baseball team with a boy... before I get too old. Also, my father says that boys are more resilient and in the long run cost less that girls... my father said that... We will update you with the gender when we know.

I guess that wraps up my first blog. Anybody who knows me knows that I am not good at keeping people up to date with my life. I am hoping with Becky's help we will be able to keep it going. It is my hope that this can be a journal of sorts for our young family. I look forward to what the future holds in store for our family and sharing it with our loved ones...


  1. Lol, James this is totally you! I highly enjoyed it, I could hear your voice through the writing. Can't wait to hear more, Congrats again!


  2. Waxing your bikini line? I'm still stuck on that. Congrats on the baby. Can't wait to stay updated with you guys :-)

  3. I hope you have a girl! karlee needs a best friend like i had. so i'm pulling in that direction. plus baby girls are so much fun to dress and shop for. which is something i know becky likes to do. i'm not sure on the boy part though because i don't have one. i'm so excited for you guys though!! congrats!

  4. Congrats on the baby (boy). You will be a great dad just as long as your kids learn how to drive from Becky not you ;-)

  5. Hi it's Haley. I am so excited for a new cousin!!! You are so pretty Becky! Love ya, Haley

  6. I loved this... as Charles said, I could totally hear your voice! I do not have the vocabulary that you do - as you well know, but share your same feelings for spelling and grammar and so would ask that when I choose to comment you excuse my errors (as you have always done for me whether in spelling or just life). Good to hear from you and so happy for you and Becky!!! YEAH!

  7. I know it sounds good to have a big protective brother as your first born but we all know you need a girl first so you have a responsible babysitter.

  8. I am so excited for you two I know you will make such wonderful parents, I have personally seen both of you inaction with my children and yours will be angles I am sure so it will be a piece of cake. Can't wait to see you!

  9. o my goodness i am so excited for you two!! yea for mommies to be! well i hope all is well! miss you!!
